django-extentions and more to enrich your development environment

I recently install django-extensions, ptpython and django-browser-reload packages on a project, it is convenient packages to Django developer.


install it with pip:

pip install django-extensions ptpython django-browser-reload

or reference it in your package manager, I personaly prefer to set it in dev-requirements.txt and activate them only for DEVELOPMENT environment : configuration proposed below.

Then, you’ll have to declare it on the INSTALL_APPS of your application

if ENVIRONMENT == "development":

SHELL_PLUS_PRINT_SQL will print the SQL query on your shll_plus : exemple below

Configure your middlewares :

if "django_browser_reload" in INSTALLED_APPS:

and you

if "django_browser_reload" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
            path("__reload__/", include("django_browser_reload.urls")),


Shell plus

Main feature of django is the command shell_plus. It will load yours models and some package by default.

Using ptpython, your prompt will provide coloration and auto-completion :

$> python shell_plus
Example of coloration and auto-completion
Auto-completion with django

Hot reload

django-browser-reload will provide hotreload. Everytime your application is reloaded, your page in your browser is reloaded to. this avoid a lot of F5.


Those package are very useful for django developer.

Django-extensions as a lot more helper command, to dig in, please visit command extensions page.

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